Sunday, August 28, 2011


Ud Jáni Négva smi dubávili tuje svetiče, kujétu predstáve Parvija ártéz ud Stár Bišnov, kojtu ij tékal prez 4 cuhune. Toj se ij namerval na pazarištitu ud Bišnov, pukraj ćipa na nekupaćšnotu mestu na Sveti Iván. Kaštata kujatu se vidi ij dnéšnotu sedálište na policijata. Svetičitu ij blo publikuvanu i u Náša glás, broj 12 ud august 1990, na 4-ta starna.
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Pá Jáni mu naznajeva, či na ebay se purdáva idna nusija ud Vinga. Tá ij predstávina taje: „Extremely rare folk costume of the Banat Bulgarian“, i se purdáva za 899.99 USD (plus 44 USD poštálni táksi).
Pud svetičitata ima i idno kasu predstávenji na anglušći jazić: Banat Bulgarians Bulgarian immigrants are those who live in the historic district Banat. When this area was under Austro-Hungary, these Bulgarians are known as "the yuzhnoungarski Bulgarians."They themselves call each other "Paulicians" or the local dialect"Pavlikene", "palkene" and "paulkene" as derived from theBulgarians Paulicians. In academic circles they are known as"Banat Bulgarians". After liberation, some of them return homeand the surrounding population here started calling them"banatchani". After resettlement in the Austrian Empire, Banat Bulgariansformed a separate Bulgarian ethno-religious group with its own distinctive features. These are our countrymen professCatholicism, speak their own dialect, written in Latin letters andhave original material and spiritual culture, strongly influenced bylocal Hungarian, German, Romanian and Serb. Therefore the group of Banat Bulgarians do not belong those Bulgariansgardeners who settled in the Banat cities in 18th and 19th centuries, who are Orthodox. Banat Bulgarians to not applykrashovanite who are also Catholics of Bulgarian origin, but due to the long Croatian religious and cultural impact are as a separate Slavic ethnic group.
Sorry colleagues that I could not do more - better pictures to see -well the beauty of this costume. Pride is for my collection. Costume is complete and in perfect condition, absolutely all elements are perfectly preserved in its authentic form. Only a few remarks jacket - fine fabric which is made in places it is broken , but as it adds even more charm to the costume.
Bride's dress is - a young woman bound and festive. This costume is a compilation of fine fabrics and beautiful elements. Apron, hat and jacket are like artwork. But ladies and gentlemen hat is the top of the embroidery technique in entanglement and metal thread embroidery - silver is known that only ethnic group Bulgari.
Naturally, this technique is jealously kept secret.
Costume dating from the late 19th century, and assuming that the system of assessment of rarity is 10, this suit is 10.
Here are the dimensions of the suit - shoulder width - 13.4 inches, width of the bust - 17.3 inches, waist width - 13.4 inches,sleeve length - 20.5 inches, total length of the costume - 43.3inches.
If any of you wishes - detailed images of items - please have at your disposal.
Thank you for your interest in colleagues, and please see my other costumes from Bulgaria.
Thank you.
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