Tuesday, September 01, 2009


Se trasat rudbini
Na sájta genealogy.com Melita Skelton si trasi rudbinite ud familijata Babuškov. Tá trasi idna familija Babuškov, kujatu kulu gudinata 1923 ij imála magazinče kadetu se ij purdávalu zlátu i saháte: "I am trying to find info on Babuscov family, owned a jewelry/watchmaker store in 1923? Possibly in Transylvania".
U idna druga ubjáva tá utučneva, či ij namerila idno svetiče sas idno magaziče za saháte ud Budapéšta, na kujétu piši Ioan L. Babuscov, ceasornicar: "Hello, I just found a pic of jewelry/watch store in Budapest it reads Ioan L. Babuscov ceasornicar .However I believe family was in Hungary but it is now Romania. I have found several Babuscovs in Romania. I plan to write them. Any insight or info would be helpful".
Na méne málku mi se vidi nivazmožnu u Budapéšta da ij pisalu na rumansći "ceasornicar" na idin magazin!
Istena ij, či ubjávite sa málku udkolešni, katu parvata ij ud 30 márt 2007 gudina, a drugata ud 9 juli 2008 g., no aku nekuj znáj neštu, moži da piši tuka. (Zafálema na Matei Bartilov za link-a).
Nadája ugvádem još nekolkus ud stárite svetičita ud Bišnov, dubávini ud Páli Velčov.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


RadixForum : Board for Hungarian genealogy research

olbg: family
Looking for the Vekov family in Vinga. Ancestors came to U.S. in 1906 and 1923. Often wondered if Gstvan had any brothers or sisters there. When they came through Ellis Island, the letter "C" was added to the name whereby we became the "Veckov" family.

21/07/2005, 00:55:50

Zlatica : Re: family Vekov, Velcsov

You know that there are some spelling errors in the EI manifests? Sure you do. His first name is not Gstvan but Istvan. The Ellis Island manifest is under VEKOV spelling but the C was added after the arrival to sound like Vekov in the "old country". Have you looked at the EI manifests of VELCSOV family? They were from Vinga too. Might your Vekov be actually Velcsov?
A first name translation website: www.fam.aust.com/topolcsany/names
The town of Vinga is in Temes megye, Romania.
Here is an old map: http://lazarus.elte.hu/hun/maps/1910
The Romania's phone book in city of Timisoara is listing a surname VELCSOV. www.whitepages.ro

21/07/2005, 02:19:06

Zlatica : Re: family Vekov

In the Romania's phone site the town of Vinga is in Arad megye. No listing for VEKOV or VELCSOV in Vinga.
An only listing for VEKOV, Ileana in Lipova (Arad). She might be related if only by marriage. I am sure you cross referenced all the VEKOVs manifests for any clues.


21/07/2005, 02:38:52

ag48ban: Re: family
I believe that Istvan Vekov is correct. My grandmother was born in Vinga and died in Vienna. From Austria she was in mail contact with Stephen (Istvan) Veckov living in the sixties or sventies in Altonna, Pa., USA. I am shure the family came from Vinga. The wife of Stephen was a cousin or friend of may grandmother. Some relatives of Stephen must still live in Altoona.

03/12/2005, 20:48:26

Zlatica: Re: family

VECKOVs still in Altoona, Pa.

04/12/2005, 03:08:30

207cct: Re: Vekov Family
Dear Albert,
There are still Veckov's in Altoona. There are 3 generations of Stephen. What is the name of your grandmother? I may recognize the name. Mary was married to the Stephen who came here in 1906. Joyce

09/10/2008, 04:51:24

ag48ban: Re: Vekov Family
Dear Joyce,
the name of my grandmother was Helene Huber born Bogdanov.
She had some photos related to the Vekov's. I think I must still have them. Albert

09/10/2008, 19:46:03

207cct: Re: family
What was your grandmother's name? I may recognize it. Stephen was married to a woman whose name was Mary Fermigin (spelling may be incorrect). The Veckov's are still living in Altoona. Joy

10/10/2008, 02:09:45

ag48ban: Re: family
The Fermendzsin (Fermendzin, Fermendjin) family is settled since 1740 at Vinga. It seams that Marys mother was born Bogdanov. Albert

11/10/2008, 08:29:31

207cct: Re: family
The spelling they used here was Fermendjin. I am interested in the Vekov side of the family. Never heard anything about Stefan having brothers or sisters living in Vinga. He may have been an only child or adopted - don't know. The family never talked about it.

11/10/2008, 15:47:16

nudnik: Looking for SZEBIN

I'm looking for SZEBIN in Vinga. Peter (born about 1882) & emigrated to Pennsylvania 1907. Married Maria Bogdanov in 1909.

Other relatives from Vinga in the early 1900's were Antal, Joszef, Ferencz & Janos.

Anone know anything?


22/10/2008, 17:15:30

achele: Re: family
My grandfather, his sister and parents all came over to the U.S. from Vinga, Romania in the 1920's (he was 3 yrs. old). The original last name of my Grandfather was Vekov (the info. is posted on the Ellis Island website). After moving to Detroit, they changed the spelling to "Vekoff". The family still lives in the Detroit area. I'm wondering if the other Vekov's listed on the Ellis Island website are cousins.

23/11/2008, 04:40:59

10:46 AM, September 01, 2009  
Anonymous Stepan Velcov said...

Naj-interesnu ij petotu svetice ud gore na dole, zastotu tam bastata i sina stujat na srede (na tarpezata), du katu zinite s mumicitata sa u starnite. Tuj dukazva, ci bisnovscite tradicionni familiji sa bli organizirani na usnova na patriarhalnata struktura (maza i dicata ud mazka starna sa bli naj-glavni i dabe sled to sa sledvali zinite i mumicitata). Takvizi tradicionni strukturi dnes se srestet u islamscite familiji, kade tradicijite se pazat strogu.

11:12 AM, September 01, 2009  

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